GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements about 18th century India:

1. The period witnessed the rapid decentralisation of political power in India.

2. The period witnessed a decline in arts and culture during the period due to increase in political conflicts and economic stagnation.

3. The period saw increased religious and communal strife due to the conservative religious policies of Muslim emperors such as Tipu Sultan.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is correct: as 18th century India witnessed the breakup of the Mughal Empire into semi-autonomous kingdoms like Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad. However, this break-up and the intermittent wars between the numerous states did not lead to a decline in arts and culture. Rather, arts and culture flourished in their unique forms in the various regional centres. Also, religious strife, though present, was not prevalent and most of the Muslim Emperors including Tipu, even though they may have been personally religious, were religiously tolerant in the public sphere.

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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