GS History Modern India

Which among the following factors helped expansion of East India Company in south Indian peninsula?

1. Declining control of Mughal Empire after death of Aurangzeb.

2. The regular raids by the Maratha chiefs in south weakened the area economically and politically.

3. French army helped the English East India Company to Invade Mysore and Hyderabad.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Statements 1 is correct because after death of Aurangzeb Mughal ruler were not as capable to hold control over India specially in Southern peninsula.

Statement 2 is correct. The Marathas chiefs used to invade Hyderabad and the rest of south India for collecting chauth. These raids resulted in politically unsettled conditions and administrative disorganisation.

Statement 3 is incorrect because French were the biggest rival of Britishers in India and they fought 3 Carnatic wars with Britishers.

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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