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Which of the following was/were correct about 3rd June Plan?
1. Principle of Partition of India was accepted by the British Government .
2. Successor governments would be given dominion status.
3. Implicit right to secede from the British Commonwealth.
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With reference to the Doctrine of Lapse, consider the following statements:
1. It was introduced by Lord Hastings.
2. It allowed British to annex the state if the ruler of a protected state died without a natural heir.
3. Avadh was the first state to be annexed under the doctrine.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Antonio Gramsci described 'war of position' as a long-drawn out hegemonic struggle. Which of the following is example of this war of position?
“Lilawati” was a medieval work on Mathematics written by which among the following?
Which among the following organizations were not started by Raja Rammohan Roy?
1. Atmiya Sabha
2. Brahma Sabha
3. Hindu College
4. Tatvabodhini Sabha
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Consider the following statements about ‘Rig Veda’:
1. It’s a collection of 1028 hymns into 10 Books or Mandalas.
2. Book Iand X seem to be later additions.
3. The IX Mandala is dedicated exclusively to Soma
4. The X Mandala contains the famous Purushsukta deals with Chaturvarna
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which of the following statement(s) about Acharya J. B. Kriplan is/are correct?
1. He was a partisan socialist.
2. He held the presidency of INC during the turbulent period of 1947.
3. He was the supporter of Gandhian Philosophy.
Select the correct statement using the codes given below.
British formed a consultative body of the princely states known as Narendra Mandal, Which of the following statements are correct about this?
1. It was established by Royal Proclamation in 1921 on the recommendation of Montford Reforms
2. It used to consider on the issues, among others, the British empire as a whole.
3. The formation of such body was first expressed by Lord Lytton.
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Which of the following was/were the cause(s) of failure of the revolt of 1857?
1. Kashmir and Nepal helped in suppressing the revolt.
2. It was mainly feudal in character.
3. Lack of coordination in the uprisings in different parts of India.
4. For the British, major wars outside India concluded by 1856.
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Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was associated with which of the following?
1. Legalizing widow remarriage.
2. Opposing polygamy.
3. Advocating higher education of women.
4. Opposing child marriage.
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