GS History Modern India

Which of the following were the consequences of the revolt of 1857?

1. The British Crown assumed the direct responsibility of the country and the rule of East India Company was dissolved.

2. The era of annexations of princely states ended.

3. The title of Governor-General was done away with and the Crown’s representative came to be known as the Viceroy.

4. India was made to bear the entire financial burden of the outbreak and suppression of the revolt.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Statement 1 is incorrect: as company continued to exist but the company rule was abolished. The Company was actually dissolved in 1874 as the 1858 Act had rendered it redundant and powerless.

Statement 3 is incorrect: as the Governor-General was given the additional title of Viceroy.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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