Mains examination is a critical stage in the Civil Service Exam in deciding the future of an IAS aspirant which makes it very essential to get a good score in Mains in clearing an IAS exam. Moreover, top scores in MAINS will catapult the candidate's future into the bright spot of Civil Services. Good performance in MAINS will also give a great level of confidence for the candidate to face the Interview Stage (Stage III of the IAS exam) as well.
With the seats of civil services declining every year and the increasing trend of high scores (Average Marks > 450) in Mains examination in recent years, it has become very important for the candidates to emphasise on the Mains Exam intensively and extensively. In order to get such high scores one should be very systematic in approaching the MAINS examination. The aspirants should also focus on Answer Writing Skills in addition to gaining the knowledge.
The purpose of the programme is to improve the scores of students in the Mains Exam through Intensive Training Plan with special sessions being organised for the 'Development of Writing Skills' of the students so that knowledge could be converted in good answers without any difficulty. The students are expected to write the answer of one Mains question every day in the class for gradual improvement in their writing skills.
Salient Features of the Baliyans GS Mains Enrichment Course
This programme has been specially designed by taking into account the new pattern of Main Examination announced by UPSC so that the aspirants can prepare both intensively as well as extensively within a limited time period of 8 months. The course will focus on the needs of those students who are going to appear in Mains Examination this year or are preparing for the next year.
The class lectures and the study materials have been prepared in such a way that even those students, who do not have even basic knowledge of subject matter, will be able to develop command over the subjects and attain conceptual understanding to write very good answer for any question after the completion of the course.
During the course emphasis will be placed upon the development of understanding of the subject matter rather than simply cramming the facts and figures
Newly developed computerised Study Material based on new syllabus will be provided to all the students.
Special sessions will be organised for the “Development of Writing Skills” of the students so that knowledge could be converted in good answers without any difficulty.