GS History Modern India

In 1927, the Butler Committee was appointed to investigate the nature of relationship between the Britishers and the princely states. Which of the following statements are correct about its recommendations?

1. The princely states should not be handed over to the Indian government without prior consent of the residents of the state.

2. Governor General in the Council was to be the Crown agent in the dealing with the states.

3. The scheme regarding the creation of a State council should be rejected.

4. Intervention in the administration of a state should be left to the decision of the Viceroy.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. The princely states should not be handed over to the Indian govt. without prior consent of the prince.
  2. Viceroy and not the Governor General in the Council was to be the Crown agent in the dealing with the states. (Note: Generally both the posts were held by same person in India. Called viceroy when deals with princely states and called Governor General when dealing with British India).

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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