GS History Modern India

With reference to the impact of the British Rule on Indian agriculture, consider the following statements:

1. British policies of Mahalwari and Ryotwari led to the development of agriculture whereas policies of Permanent settlement deteriorated it.

2. British policies increased the percentage of population dependent on agriculture.

3. Commercialization of agriculture led to the exploitation of cultivators by money lenders and merchants .

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is incorrect: Any of the three revenue policies failed to improve the condition of agriculture. The revenue collected in all the three settlements was high and peasants were left with nothing to invest in the agriculture.

Statement 2 is correct: British policies increased the population pressure on agriculture. According to Census Reports, between 1901 and 1941 alone the percentage of population dependent on agriculture increased from 63.7 % to 70%. This increasing pressure was one of the major causes of extreme poverty under the British rule.

Statement 3 is correct: Commercialization of agriculture has further led to the exploitation of cultivators in the hands of money lenders and merchants. Poor peasants were forced to sell the produce just after the harvest and at whatever price they could get as they had to meet in time the demands of the government, the landlord and the money lenders.

Thus, Option B is Correct.

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