Consider the following statements:
1. Abhinav Bharat, a secret society of revolutionaries, was organised by V. D. Savarkar.
2. Newspapers Sandhya in Bengal and Kal in Maharashtra advocated revolutionary terrorism.
3. Anushilan Samiti was a revolutionary organisation active in Bengal.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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In 1927, the Butler Committee was appointed to investigate the nature of relationship between the Britishers and the princely states. Which of the following statements are correct about its recommendations?
1. The princely states should not be handed over to the Indian government without prior consent of the residents of the state.
2. Governor General in the Council was to be the Crown agent in the dealing with the states.
3. The scheme regarding the creation of a State council should be rejected.
4. Intervention in the administration of a state should be left to the decision of the Viceroy.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the following statements about the Rowlatt Act are correct?
The West European States and Merchants began to search for new and safer sea routes to India and Spice Islands of Indonesia in 15th century because of
1. Turkish control of trading routes
2. Monopoly of merchants of Venice and Genoa over trade between Europe and Asia.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which among the following was/were not the teachings of the ‘Brahmo Samaj’?
1. It denounced polytheism and idol worship.
2. It discarded faith in divine avataras (incarnations)
3. It accepted that scripture could enjoy the status of ultimate authority.
4. It took definite and firm stand on doctrine of karma and transmigration of soul.
5. It criticized the caste system.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
With reference to civil rebellions during the british rule, Poligars were -
Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the Indian Councils Act of 1892?
1. Direct elections were introduced for the first time to Imperial and provincial Legislative councils.
2. Non-officials were granted the right to vote the budget.
3. Non-official majority was introduced.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Consider the following statements regarding Subsidiary Alliance System followed by East India Company.
1. Policy of subsidiary alliance was started by Lord Wellesley.
2. Hyderabad and Awadh accepted subsidiary alliance treaty offered by Governor General.
3. By signing Subsidiary Alliance Treaty, Indian ruler lost the right of maintaining diplomatic relations with other states.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Who were called as the 'responsivists' during the Indian national movement?
Consider the following ancient south Indian ports:
1. Muziris
2. Arikamedu
3. Kaveripattinam
Which of the above is/are belong(s) to Sangam age?
To achieve political aims of control over Indian states, Lord Wellesley relied on which of the followings?
1. Subsidiary Alliance
2. Outright war
3. Doctrine of lapse
4. Assumption of territory of previous rulers
Select the correct answers using the code given below