GS History Modern India

Which among the following was/were not the teachings of the ‘Brahmo Samaj’?

1. It denounced polytheism and idol worship.

2. It discarded faith in divine avataras (incarnations)

3. It accepted that scripture could enjoy the status of ultimate authority.

4. It took definite and firm stand on doctrine of karma and transmigration of soul.

5. It criticized the caste system.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.


Statement 3 & 4 are incorrect

The overall contribution of Brahmo Samaj may be summed thus:

  1. It denounced polytheism and idol worship
  2. It discarded faith in divine avataras (incarnations)
  3. It denied that any scripture could enjoy the status of ultimate authority transcending/ human reason and conscience
  4. It took no definite stand on the doctrine of karma and transmigration of soul and left it to- individual Brahmos to believe either way.
  5. It criticized the caste system.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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