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Which of the following statements is/are correct about the Deoband movement?
1. It urged its followers to accept services under the British government.
2. It opposed the formation of the Indian National Congress.
3. It supported the Aligarh movement.
Select the correct answer using code given below.
On the eve of launch of Quit India Movement, Mahatma Gandhi gave some specific instructions to different groups of people. With reference to these instructions, consider following statements:
1. He asked the government servants to resign.
2. He asked the soldiers to leave their posts.
3. He asked the princes of the Princely states to accept the sovereignty of their own people.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
In response to which of the following complete Independence was declared as the aim of congress in Lahore session 1929?
Consider the following statements regarding the nationalist movement in India during 1858 to 1905.
1. The early nationalist movement was mainly to safeguard the interest of the social groups which joined it.
2. They were not able to expose the exploitative character of colonial rule.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
‘Zabti System’ was an important part of revenue administration under Akbar. Consider the following statements regarding Zabti system.
1. It involved measurement of land.
2. Fixed cash revenue rate known as ‘Dastur’ for each crop.
3. All revenue collections were made in cash.
Which of the above statements are correct?
Consider the following events during freedom struggle of India:
1. Nehru Report
2. Simon Commission
3. Dandi march
4. Communal award
Which of the following is the correct chronological order of above events?
Harsha is said to have conducted two religious assemblies. Which of the following places were the venues for these assemblies?
1. Thanesvar
2. Kanauj
3. Valabhi
4. Prayag
Select the correct answer :
Consider the following statements in the context of INA agitation:
1. Mass pressure against the trial of INA Prisoner of wars, sometimes described as an edge of a volcano, brought about a decisive shift in Government’s Policy.
2. Defense of INA Prisoners in the Court was organized by Kailash Nath Katju and Asaf Ali among others.
3. Muslim League, RSS and Unionist Party also among others supported INA cause.
4. INA Day was celebrated on 12, December 1945.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements in the context of 'Arya Samaj':
1. It aimed at revival of Hinduism.
2. It upheld the superiority of men over women.
3. It started Shuddhi movement to reconvert to the Hindu folds the converts to Christianity and Islam.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following is not correct about Rabindranath Tagore?