With reference to Ahmedabad Mill strike, consider the following statements:
1. It was related to a dispute between the workers and the European mill owners regarding working hours.
2. It was the first instance of a hunger- strike by Gandhiji in India.
3. It led to the formation of Textile Labour Association.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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The Revolt of 1857 saw wide participation of the Zamindars. This was because:
1. Their land rights fortified with frequent use of a quo Warranto by the administration.
2. Loss of status for them in the village.
3. Their estates confiscated by the administration and hence, suddenly found themselves without the source of income.
4. They formed the well-read and educated class who had feelings on Nationalism inculcated in them.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Mahatma Gandhi initiated a movement for Khadi as a relief to masses in Indian villages. According to Gandhi’s philosophy and ideology Khadi symbolizes?
1. Purity
2. Simplicity
3. Self-reliance and self-government
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Which of the following provided a common factor for tribal uprisings in India in the 19th century?
1. Rise of many money lenders, traders and revenue farmers as middleman.
2. Influence of foreign religious missionaries in tribal areas.
3. The complete disruption of the old agrarian order of the tribal communities.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Consider the following statements.
1. Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman in about 150 A.D. was one of the earliest specimens of chaste Sanskrit.
2. “Mahavastu” was a religious treatise on Hinayana Buddhism
3. Roman emperor Trajan received an embassy from India in 28 A.D.
4. Glass-making industry had received a great boost in India during the Post-Mauryan period.
Which of the given above statement(s) are correct?
Who led the Mughal forces in the Battle of Haldighati against Rana Pratap Singh of Mewar?
Consider the following:
1. Muslim league
2. Communist Party of India
3. Hindu Mahasabha
Which of the organizations given above supported the Quit India Movement?
With Reference to the Cripps Mission of 1942, which of the following statements are correct?
1. It proposed a single Indian Union
2. It offered a Dominion status to India
3. It setup an ad hoc Constitutional assembly
4. It mentioned about the creation of Pakistan
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
After the termination of Non-cooperation Movement, a new wave of revolutionary movement gathered momentum. Consider following statements about this new wave of Revolutionary Terrorism:
1. Ideologically this new wave had some socialistic content in it and was inspired by Russian revolution.
2. This new wave was the result of the disenchantment with Gandhian methods.
3. Women took no part in it as the violence repulsed them.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are true?
Who among the following Chola rulers sent an embassy of 72 merchants to China in 1077 ?
Consider the following statements regarding the nationalist movement in India during 1858 to 1905.
1. The early nationalist movement was mainly to safeguard the interest of the social groups which joined it.
2. They were not able to expose the exploitative character of colonial rule.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?