GS History Modern India

After the termination of Non-cooperation Movement, a new wave of revolutionary movement gathered momentum. Consider following statements about this new wave of Revolutionary Terrorism:

1. Ideologically this new wave had some socialistic content in it and was inspired by Russian revolution.

2. This new wave was the result of the disenchantment with Gandhian methods.

3. Women took no part in it as the violence repulsed them.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are true?

  • The second wave of revolutionary terrorism started after Gandhi stopped his non-cooperation movement. This forced youths to other ways to achieve freedom.
  • Ideologically most of the revolutionaries in this new wave were inspired by Russian revolution based on socialistic ideas.
  • Women also participated in some revolutionary activities. As evident from Chittagong Armory Raid violence could not repulse women.

Thus, Option D is Correct

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