GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements about ‘Rig Veda’:

1. It’s a collection of 1028 hymns into 10 Books or Mandalas.

2. Book Iand X seem to be later additions.

3. The IX Mandala is dedicated exclusively to Soma

4. The X Mandala contains the famous Purushsukta deals with Chaturvarna

Which of the statements given above are correct?

  • Rig-Veda is known as the oldest religious text in the world. It has 1028 collection of hymns by a number of priest families- Hotris. It is organized in 10 books which are called Mandalas. The first and 10th Mandalas are the youngest and the longest books. The IX Mandala is dedicated exclusively to Soma The X Mandal deals with Chaturvarna i.e, The division of society into 4 Varnas viz. Brahman, Kshatriya , Vaishya and Shudra was based upon the occupation later based upon birth.

Thus, Option D is Correct

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