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The movement to boycott the Simon Commission was organised because:
Consider the following statements regarding 'Revolutionary Terrorism' in India:
1. Muslim participation in revolutionary terrorist groups was less.
2. After decline of Swadeshi movement, there was decrease in revolutionary terrorist activities in India.
3. Revolutionay terrorists groups in India opted to follow in the footsteps of Russian Nihilists.
Which of statements given above is/are correct?
Lala Lajpat Rai is associated with which of the following?
1. Agitation against Simon commission
2. Servants of People society
3. Arya Samaj
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Which of the following events took place during the tenure of Lord William Bentinck?
1. Abolition of Sati
2. Introduction of English as the official language
3. Suppression of Thugi
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
In the context of the history of freedom struggle of India, the term 'Safety Valve' implies what?
With reference to the Indian Civil Services (ICS) under the British rule, consider the following statements:
1. Cornwallis set up a college at Fort William to train the civil servants.
2. Satyendra Prasad Sinha was the first Indian to qualify the ICS.
3. Aitchison Commission recommended holding simultaneous examinations in India and England to allow more Indians into the civil services posts.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following was part of the resolution passed by Congress in Karachi session on National Economic program and Fundamental Rights?
1. Neutrality of the state in regard to all religions.
2. State ownership or control of key industries, mines and means of transport.
3. Free and compulsory primary education.
4. Protection of “The culture, language and script of the minorities and of different linguistic areas.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Consider the following statements with respect to Gandhi-Irwin Pact 1931 :
1. As a result of this pact, the Civil Disobedience movement was suspended by Gandhi.
2. In this pact Gandhi agreed to participate in Third Round Table conference.
3. Government agreed to give right to make salt in coastal villages for sale and personal consumption.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Given below are two statements, one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R).
Assertion(A): Tippu Sultan planted a Tree of Liberty at Manglore.
Reason(R): He became a member of Jacobian club after French Revolution.
In the context of the above two statements,which one of the following is correct?
Consider the following statements
1. Jayadeva was a poet of the 12th century, hailing from today’s Orissa.
2. His Gita Govinda is a work of Sanskrit love poetry and song between Krishna and Radha.
3. The text also elaborates the eight moods, the Ashta Nayika.
4. The first English translation of the Gita Govinda by Sir William Jones in 1792.
Which of the statements given above are correct?