Science & Technology General Science

 Weeds are unwanted plants in a cultivated field. In this context, consider the following statements:

1. The weeds compete for food, space and light.

2. Weeds are responsible for affecting the growth of the crop.

3. Timely sowing of crops and crop rotation help in weed control.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?



Statement 1 and 2 are correct

  • Weeds are unwanted plants in the cultivated field, for example, Xanthium gokhroo), Parthenium (gajar ghas), Cyperinus rotundus (motha). 
  • They compete for food, space and light. Weeds take up nutrients and reduce the growth of the crop. 
  • Therefore, removal of weeds from cultivated fields during the early stages of crop growth is essential for a good harvest. 
  • Weed control methods also include mechanical removal. Preventive methods such as proper seed bed preparation, timely sowing of crops, intercropping and crop rotation also help in weed control. 
  • Some other preventive measures against pests are the use of resistant varieties, and summer ploughing, in which fields are ploughed deep in summers to destroy weeds and pests. 

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