With reference to the provisions of the Cripps Mission, consider the following statements:
1. It provided for a Dominion Status to India.
2. Princely states were not to be represented in the Constituent Assembly.
3. Provincial Assemblies were to elect their representatives to the Constituent Assembly.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
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Consider the following statements.
1. Chau Ju Kua, was a Chinese writer, who has left an account of the medieval Malabar.
2. Kashmir was a major centre for education in the medieval period.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Which of the following methods were followed during the Swadeshi movement of 1905?
1. Traditional folk theatre forms such as Jatra’s were used to reach to masses.
2. Social work during famines and epidemics.
3. Strikes in Tea plantations of Assam.
4. National schools were setup across the country.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below.
Which act was passed on the recommendation of the ‘Raleigh commission’?
Regarding the reforms in Land Revenue during the colonial period, consider the following statements
1. Through the Permanent Settlement, the zamindars of Bengal were recognized as the owners of land if they paid the revenue.
2. Ryotwari settlement was introduced in Assam also.
3. The Mahalwari Settlement brought a class of middlemen between the government and the village community.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Why First Round Table Conference was organized?
Which of the following statements is correct in the context of Swadeshi movement?
Consider the following pairs:
Dynasty | Founder |
1. Nanda | Dhanananda |
2. kalinga | Maha Meghavahana |
3. Kushans | Kujula Kadphises |
Which of the pair(s) given above is/are correctly matched?
Consider the following statements in the context of Ryotwari system-
1. It was recommended by Munro and Charles Reed and introduced in Bombay and Madras.
2. The revenue was fixed for 30 years on the basis of quality of the soil and nature of the crop.
3. It was based on the scientific rent theory of Ricardo.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
Consider the following statements about the “Doctrine of Lapse” implemented by Lord Dalhousie:
1. It restricted the right of adopted son to succeed to the personal property of chieftain.
2. Satara was the first Indian state to be annexed.
3. After the death of a ruler, the adopted heir could still rule the state with prior British approval.
Select the correct answer using code given below.