GS Economy Basics of Indian Economy

Globalisation is the process of rapid integration or interconnection between countries. Which of the following factors enable/influence the process of globalisation?

1. Increasing foreign trade.

2. Improvement in technology. 

3. Reduction in trade barriers. 

4. Need for skilled persons.

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Foreign trade results in connecting the markets or integration of markets in different countries. 

  • MNCs are playing a major role in the globalisation process. More and more goods and services, investments and technology are moving between countries. 
  • Besides the movements of goods, services, investments and technology, there is one more way in which the countries can be connected. This is through the movement of people between countries. 
  • People usually move from one country to another in search of better income, better jobs or better education. (Requirement of skilled workforce does not influence globalisation).
  • Rapid improvement in technology has stimulated the globalisation process. For instance, the past fifty years have seen several improvements in transportation technology. This has made much faster delivery of goods across long distances possible at lower costs. 
  • Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is what is known as liberalisation. With liberalisation of trade, businesses are allowed to make decisions freely about what they wish to import or export. 
  • Thus, barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment were removed to a large extent. This meant that goods could be imported and exported easily and also foreign companies could set up factories and offices here. 

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