Science & Technology General Science

If we study a cell under a microscope, we will come across which among the following bodies inside it?

1. Nucleus

2. Plasma Membrane

3. Cytoplasm

4. Prokaryotes

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  • If we study a cell under a microscope, we would come across three features in almost every cell; plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm. 
  • Plasma membrane is the outermost covering of the cell that separates the contents of the cell from its external environment. The plasma membrane allows or permits the entry and exit of some materials in and out of the cell. It also prevents movement of some other materials. The cell membrane, therefore, is called a selectively permeable membrane. 

In some organisms like bacteria, the nuclear region of the cell may be poorly defined due to the absence of a nuclear membrane. Such an undefined nuclear region containing only nucleic acids is called a nucleoid. Such organisms, whose cells lack a nuclear membrane, are called prokaryotes (Pro = primitive or primary; karyote ≈ karyon = nucleus). Organisms with cells having a nuclear membrane are called eukaryotes.

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