GS History Modern India

With reference to the Tebhaga struggle consider the following statements:

1. It was started in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

2. It was a struggle between the share- croppers and the jotedars for payment of share of crop.

3. The Floud Commission had made recommendations in the favour of the share-croppers.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is incorrect: The tebhaga struggle was started in Bengal that held the limelight, in late 1946.

Statement 2 is correct: The share-croppers of Bengal began to assert that they would no longer pay a half share of their crop to the jotedars but only one-third and that before division the crop would be stored in their khamars (godowns) and not that of the jotedars.

Statement 3 is correct: They were encouraged by the fact that the Bengal Land Revenue Commission, popularly known as the Floud Commission, had already made this recommendation in its report to the government.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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