GS History Modern India

Consider the following pairs: Newspapers : Associated Personality

List-I (Newspapers)

List-II (Associated Personality)

1. Indian Mirror

Debendranath Tagore

2. Sudharak

Gopal Ganesh Agarkar

3. Swadesamitran

G. Subramaniya Aiyar

Which of the pair(s) is/are correctly matched?

  • Indian Mirror was an english paper founded by Debendranath Tagore, at Calcutta in 1862.
  • Swadesamitran was a Tamil language newspaper that was published from the then Madras city from 1882 to 1985. One of the earliest Tamil newspapers and the longest in print, Swadesamitran was founded by Indian nationalist G. Subramania Iyer four years after he had started The Hindu.
  • Sudharak was founded by Gopal Ganesh Agarkar in 1888.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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