Consider the following statements
1. The Word Yoga is derived from Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ means to join/unite.
2. Yoga is one of the ancient Indian School of Philosophies
3. The art of Yoga associated with Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
4. The Bhagavad Gita introduces three prominent types of yoga: Karma, Bhakti, Jnana.
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Consider the following statements about the 1765 Treaty of Allahabad –
1. The company gained supreme control over the Nizamat of Bengali.
2. The company secured Diwani of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa.
3. The Nawab of Awadh was made to pay a war indemnity.
4. The districts of Kora and Allahabad were taken away from Shah Alam-II.
Which of the above statements are correct?
With respect to medieval Indian history, the terms Dahsala, Batai and Nasaq often referred to :
Which of the following statements are correct about Second Round Table Conference(RTC)?
1. Ansari was nominated to attend the RTC by Viceroy on the request of Gandhi.
2. Labour government had failed in England before 2nd RTC.
3. The major deadlock could not be resolved in the Minority Committee of 2nd RTC.
4. Indian Christian, Anglo-Indians and Christians demanded separate electorate.
Select the correct answer using the code given below
Battle of Rakshasa Tangadi was fought between which of the following?
Which of the following amounts to reactionary policy of Lord Lytton?
1. The duty imposed on manufactured cotton goods imported to Indian from England was abolished.
2. The age limit for Indians appearing in Civil Service Examination was reduced from 21 to 19.
3. Enactment of Vernacular Press act of 1878 that restricts the regional language newspapers.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Consider the following statements with regard to Dharsana Satyagraha:
1. It aimed to oppose the salt tax.
2. It was lead by Sarojini Naidu.
3. It was launched during the civil disobedience movement.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the followings about ‘Concept of Nirvana’ in Buddhism:
1. The concept of Nirvana in Buddhism is entirely different from the Hinduism.
2. Buddhism denied the concept of Moksha.
3. It defines Nirvana has to getting rid of Cycle of Death and birth.
4. To achieve nirvana one should follow moral code of Conduct.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which among the following was the first organized expression of the Indian National Movement on an All-India Scale?
Consider the following pairs
1. Vikrama Samvat Era: 58 A.D
2. Saka Samvat Era: 78 A.D
3. Gupta Era: 319 A.D
Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched?
Which of the following acts allowed the participation of non-official Indians in legislation?