GS History Modern India

With reference to the Public Safety Bill which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

1. Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt throw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly against the passage of the Public Safety Bill.

2. Public Safety Bill was intended to contain the Communists but nationalists were concerned that such a provision would reduce the civil liberties of citizens in general and workers in particular.

3. Swarajists played a significant role in defeating the Public Safety Bill in the legislature.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt threw bomb protesting against the bill.
  • Public Safety Bill was intended to contain the Communists but was opposed on the ground that such a provision would be used to attack the national movement. Further, the provisions of the bill would reduce the civil liberties of citizens in general and workers in particular.
  • The bill was not passed in the legislature. Swarajists defeated the bill in the legislature. This was one of the noteworthy contributions of Swarajists. However the British brought the Public Safety ordinance to serve the purpose.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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