GS History Modern India

With Reference to the Cripps Mission of 1942, which of the following statements are correct?

1. It proposed a single Indian Union

2. It offered a Dominion status to India

3. It setup an ad hoc Constitutional assembly

4. It mentioned about the creation of Pakistan

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Statement 1 is correct: It proposed a single Indian union. The Muslim league criticized this measure.

Statement 2 is correct: It offered a dominion status.

Statement 3 is incorrect: It offered to create a constitutional assembly only after the Second World War was over.

Statement 4 is incorrect: as it never mentioned anything on Pakistan.

Cripps Mission:

  • Cripps Mission was sent by the British Government in 1942. It came up with constitutional proposals to seek Indian support for ongoing Second World War which in British was involved. Its proposals were
  • An Indian union with a dominion status would be setup
  • The union will be free to setup its relations with the commonwealth and free to participate in United Nations and other international bodies
  • Post war a constitutional assembly will be setup. The members of the assembly would be partly elected by provincial assembly and partly nominated by the princes
  • British Government would accept the new constitution with two conditions
  1. Any province not willing to join the union could have a separate constitution and a separate union
  2. The new constitutional body and the British Government will negotiate for transfer of power and safeguard racial and religious minorities .
  • In the meantime, Governor General’s power and Defence of India would remain intact

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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