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Which among the following statements is/are correct with respect to the acceptance of office by congress in provinces in 1937- 39?
1. Congress formed ministries in all the provinces.
2. Mahatma Gandhi never supported the acceptance of ministries by congress members.
3. Provincial Governments were formed as per the proposals of Government of India Act, 1935.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
What were the reasons for starting the Quit India Movement?
1. Failure of the August offer.
2. Rising prices of commodities.
3. Japanese aggression.
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Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
Which of the following acts was /were associated with Pabna revolt?
1. Rent Act of 1859
2. Bengal Tenancy Act of 1885
3. Deccan Agriculturists Relief Act
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Consider the following statements regarding the Surat session 1907 of Indian National Congress:
1. Swarajya was defined as goal of Congress.
2. Extremists wanted that Rashbehari Ghosh should be the President.
3. During this session, Moderates wanted to reduce extent of Swadeshi movement as Council reforms were on anvil.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
With reference to Tana Bhagat movement (1912-14), consider the following statements:
1. It was a tribal movement which emerged among the Mundas and Oraons of Chottanagpur region of Bihar.
2. It was characterized by a large scale incorporation of Hindu practices into its ideology.
3. It gradually got linked with the freedom struggle as the tribals were followers of Gandhian ideology.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following about ‘Din-i- Ilahi’
1. Akbar found the Din-i-Ilahi.
2. It was primarily not to establish a national religion.
3. Akbar believed it would be acceptable to both the Muslims and the Hindus.
4. Birbal accepted Din-i-Ilahi.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Mongols under Chenghiz khan invaded India during the reign of Balban
2. The Chenghiz khan’s army plundered the Ganga Yamuna doab and caused huge loss of life and property.
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
Consider the following provisions.
1. Complete Independence
2. Separate Electorate
3. Linguistic Provinces
4. Fundamental Rights
5. Complete dissociation of the state from religion.
Which of the above were included in Nehru Report, 1928?
Which among the following was/were the reasons for the decline of Mughal empire?
1. Wars of succession to throne
2. Weaknesses in Mughal military system
3. Recurrent peasant revolts
Select the correct answer using the code given below.