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Suez Canal connects which of the following water bodies?
Suppose if we measure the time lapse between the two Sunsets by sitting in the beach, from this we can estimate:
Spring tides occur on:
Which of the following is a typical feature of river erosion in youthful stage?
Trees are leafless for a shorter or longer season of the year in:
The only planet whose period of rotation is longer than the period of revolution around the sun?
What is meant by Isthmus?
A group of inter-connected islands is known as .
Earth’s Deepest point in water is Mariana trench. It is located in which of the following oceans?
With reference to the ‘Continental Shelf’, consider the following statements:
1. Legally, it is the stretch of the seabed adjacent to the shores of a particular country to which it belongs.
2. Canyons and trenches are observed in this region.
3. Fossil fuels and metallic nodules are found in the continental shelves.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?