GS History Modern India

Which of the following was the immediate religious cause of revolt of 1857?


Statement (A),(b),(d)  The orthodox Hindus and Muslims feared that through social legislation the British were trying to destroy their religion and culture. The abolition of the custom of sati, the legislation of widow remarraige, and the opening of western education to girls appeared to them as examples of undue interference. All these factors turned the people against the British rule.

Statement (c) The cartridges of the new Enfield rifle had a greased paper cover whose end had to be bitten off before the cartridge ws loaded into rifle. The grease was in some instances composed of beef and pig fat. The sepoys , Hindu as well as Muslim were enraged. This episode of the gresed cartridges provided the spark for the sepoys and their mutiny provided the general populace the occasion to revolt.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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