GS History Modern India

Consider the followings about ‘Concept of Nirvana’ in Buddhism:

1. The concept of Nirvana in Buddhism is entirely different from the Hinduism.

2. Buddhism denied the concept of Moksha.

3. It defines Nirvana has to getting rid of Cycle of Death and birth.

4. To achieve nirvana one should follow moral code of Conduct.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

  • The concept of Nirvana was originally explained by the Buddha. The word Nirvana comes from the root meaning 'to blow out' and refers to the extinguishing of the fires of greed, hatred and delusion. When these emotional and psychological defilements are destroyed by wisdom, the mind becomes free, radiant and joyful and at death one is no longer subject to rebirth. "Nirvana is the ultimate happiness” according to Buddhism.

Thus Option D is Correct

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