GS History Modern India

Which of the following statements is not a reason for decline of Swadeshi movement?

1. Split in congress in 1907.

2. Less involvement of peasantry.

3. Most leaders were arrested, so movement became leaderless.

4. Lots of leaders pulled themselves out due to violence during the movement.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


By 1908 the open phase of Swadeshi movement was almost over because:

  • There was severe government repression (leaders were arrested).
  • Split in congress created differences among leaders. After the split, Congress became weak. Consequently, the government utilised this situation to benefit themselves by severe repression of extremists leaders. So statement 1 and 3 are correct reasons.
  • The movement were limited to upper and middle classes and failed to reach the masses especially peasants. So Statement 2 is correct reason.
  • During Swadeshi movement, leaders did not pulled out due to violence so statement 4 is not a reason of decay of Swadeshi movement.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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