GS Economy Agricultural Sector

In view of declining rural incomes and stagnation in agriculture, which among the following measures should be taken to ensure sustainable development and upliftment of the people?

1. Improving access to formal credit institutions. 

2. Diversification of Crop and allied activities.

3. Farm loan waivers.

4. Shift towards organic farming.

5. Development of market infrastructure and storage facilities. 

Select the correct answer using the code given below:



Credit: Growth of rural economy depends primarily on infusion of capital, from time to time, to realise higher productivity in agriculture and non-agriculture sectors. 

  • As the time gestation between crop sowing and realisation of income after production is quite long, farmers borrow from various sources to meet their initial investment on seeds, fertilisers, implements and other family expenses of marriage, death, religious ceremonies etc. 
  • Improving crucial aspects of rural India like credit and marketing systems, agricultural diversification and the role of organic farming is the path towards promoting sustainable development in rural India.
  • There is a need for improving the quantity and quality of infrastructure in rural areas such as banking, marketing, storage, transport and communications etc. to realise its true potential. 
  • Diversification towards new areas such as livestock, fisheries and other non-agricultural activities is necessary not only to reduce the risk from agriculture sector but also to provide productive sustainable livelihood options to our rural people. 
  • The importance of organic farming as an environmentally sustainable production process is on a rise and needs to be promoted. 

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