GS History Modern India

Which of the following are the reasons for the rise and growth of Left Movement in India?

1. Development of Indian industries.

2. Economic crisis after the first world war.

3. Success of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Statement 1 is correct. The gradual industrialisation of India did not only bring the Indian capitalists into the foreground of public life, it also created an industrial working class. The growth of tea plantations in northeastern and southern India and the beginning of an infant iron and steel industry since the early nineteenth century, the commencement of railway construction from the middle of the nineteenth century, mining in eastern India from the same period, and the spectacular growth of two industries, the jute and the cotton industry since the time of World War One saw the formation of an industrial working class in the organised sector in India. In addition to these, there were workers in the so-called 'informal sectors', such as those who worked as casual labourers in docks and markets or as domestic servants.

  • In face of low wages, improper working conditions and often subhuman living environment, that there started unrest among the working classes which was manifested in the form of strikes such as Ahmedabad Strike (1918,1923), Jamshedpur Strike (1920,1922,1928,1948) etc. It was through these moments of confrontations that trade unions were actually born.

Statement 2 is correct. All the sections of the society had to face economic hardships in the post World War I period. Workers and artisans faced unemployment and bore the brunt of high prices. Peasantry was faced with high taxation and poverty. These hardships coupled with high expectations of political gains from the government created a charged atmosphere in the country.

Statement 3 is correct. The Bolshevik Party of workers overthrew the Czarist regime and founded the first socialist state, the Soviet Union, under the leadership of V.I. Lenin. The October Revolution brought home the message that immense power lay with the people and the masses were capable of challenging the mightiest of tyrants provided they were organised, united and determined. The young nationalists inspired by the Soviet Union were dissatisfied with the Gandhian ideas and political programme and wanted radical solutions for economic, political and social ills of the country. This led to the rise of the left movement in the country where stress was laid on the need to combine nationalism and anti- imperialism with social justice and simultaneously raised the question of internal class oppression by capitalists and landlords.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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