GS History Modern India

What was the purpose of the formation of Peel Commission after the revolt of 1857?

  • The Indian Army was crucial for the Imperial authority not only to sustain its rule in India but also to defend the Indian territory of the empire from other imperialist powers in the region as- Russia, Germany, France, etc.
  • The conditions of services in the Company‘s Army and the cantonment increasingly came into conflict with the religious beliefs and prejudices of the sepoys. Consequently, the revolt of 1857 began with the mutiny in the Army that shook the Imperial authorities.After the mutiny there was a lot of rethinking about the constitution and recruitment strategies for the Indian Army.
  • The Peel Commission which was appointed to look into the military affairs of India recommended that ―the native army should be composed of different nationalities and caste, and as a general rule, mixed promiscuously through each regiment.‖
  • Therefore, during the next few years regiments which had mutinied were disbanded, castes were more evenly mixed across the regiments, recruitment remained focused on Punjab which remained loyal during the mutiny, and the regional elements like the Punjab, Hindustan, Bombay and Madras, were carefully kept separate.
  • The recruitment strategies were further streamlined in the 1880s when the colonial knowledge of Indian ethnicity and racial stereotypes were deployed to evolve the theory of "martial race".

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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