GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements about ‘Jainism’ :

1. It is derived from ‘Jin’ means victor or Conqueror.

2. To get a status of a Jina, attaining Kevalagyana is required first.

3. Moksa is the only liberation from Samsara.

4. Ahimsa is the fundamental principle of Jainism.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

  • ‘Jin’ means victor or Conqueror. Kevalya Gyana in Prakrat means "absolute knowledge", "Enlightenment" and "Omniscience". It is the highest form of knowledge that a soul can attain. A person who has attained Kevala Gyana is called a Kevalin.
  • To get a status of a Jina, attaining Kevalagyana is required first. Samsāra, as per Jain faith is worldly life characterized by continuous rebirths and reincarnations in various realms of existence. The mundane existence is full of suffering and misery and hence is worth renunciation. Moksa is the only liberation from Samsāra. Ahimsa is the fundamental principle of Jainism.

Thus, Option D is Correct

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