Consider the following statements about ‘Jainism’ :
1. It is derived from ‘Jin’ means victor or Conqueror.
2. To get a status of a Jina, attaining Kevalagyana is required first.
3. Moksa is the only liberation from Samsara.
4. Ahimsa is the fundamental principle of Jainism.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
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Who among the following historians refused to consider the state in India as truly Islamic, but one based on worldly or secular considerations (jahandari)?
Which of the following statements about the Rowlatt Act are correct?
Consider the following statements about ‘Jainism’ :
1. It is derived from ‘Jin’ means victor or Conqueror.
2. To get a status of a Jina, attaining Kevalagyana is required first.
3. Moksa is the only liberation from Samsara.
4. Ahimsa is the fundamental principle of Jainism.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
"They did not have much faith in the masses. All the divisions in the Indian society first had to be united into a nation, before they could enter into politics. They were criticized as a 'microscopic minority' only representing the upper class educated intelligentsia" In the statement 'They' refer to which of the following?
With reference to the Ramakrishna Mission, consider the following statements:
1. It believed in the cult of bhakti and yoga.
2. It advocated the doctrine of service of all beings.
3. It recognised the utility of image for the worship of God.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which among the followings about Young Bengal Movement are correct?
1. Its leader was an Anglo-Indian.
2. Its followers were known as Derozians
3. They took up peasant’s cause along with other social reforms.
Select the correct answer using codes given below.
Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar played a pivotal role in the Dalit movement in India. Regarding this, which of the following parties were established by Dr. Ambedkar to address the Dalit cause?
1. Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha
2. Independent Labour Party (ILP)
3. Peasants and Workers Party of India
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Consider the following statements:
1. Vesara style of temple architecture was developed by Chalukyas of Badami
2. The Chalukyan town of Badami is known as town of temples.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
After the grant of Diwani in 1765, British first came in conflict with which of the following mountain tribes?
With reference to various peasant’s movements during the British period, consider the following statements:
1. The role of Intelligentsia of Bengal was a significant feature of Indigo revolt.
2. The primary cause of Bijolia movement was begari or forced labour.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?