GS History Modern India

The role of the nationalist press in early 19th century was:

1. To get a share in the lucrative printing business.

2. Political education and mobilization of common man.

3. To come out with sharp criticism of government policies.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is incorrect: Newspapers in those days were not business enterprises, nor were the editors and journalists professionals. Newspapers were published as a national or public service. They were often financed as objects of philanthropy. To be a journalist was often to be a political worker and an agitator at considerable self-sacrifice. It was, of course, not very expensive to start a newspaper, though the editor had to usually live at a semi starvation level or earn his livelihood through a supplementary source.

Statement 2 is correct: The influence of the press extended far beyond its literate subscribers. Nor was it confined to cities and large towns. A newspaper would reach remote villages and would then be read by a reader to tens of others. Gradually library movements sprung up all over the country. A local 'library' would be organized around a single newspaper. A table, a bench or two or a charpoy would constitute the capital equipment. Every piece of news or editorial comment would be read or heard and thoroughly discussed. The newspaper not only became the political educator; reading or discussing it became a form of political participation.

Statement 3 is correct: Nearly all the major political controversies of the day were conducted through the press. It also played the institutional role of opposition to the government. Almost every act and every policy of the government was subjected to sharp criticism, in many cases with great care and vast learning backing it up. 'Oppose, oppose, oppose' was the motto of the Indian Press.A

Thus, Option B is Correct.

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