GS History Modern India

Consider the following pairs: 

List-I (Policy)

List-II (Governor general)

1. Dual system of administration of Bengal

Robert Clive

2. Subsidiary Alliance

Lord Hastings

3. Doctrine of Lapse

Lord Dalhousie

Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?


Pair 1 is correctly matched. The system of dual government was introduced by Robert Clive, and this system remained in practice during the period from 1765 1772.

Pair 2 is not correctly matched. Lord Wellesley introduced subsidiary alliance under the british rule in order to bring as many Indian states as possible under the British rule.

Pair 3 is correctly matched. Lord Dalhousie used Doctrine of Lapse as a tool for the implementation of his policy of annexation

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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