GS History Modern India

Which among the following is/are correct regarding the Moderate leaders of Indian Freedom Struggle?

1. They were not in favour of expelling the British out of India.

2. The Moderates used 'self- reliance' as a tool to win support of the Britishers.

3. They carried on an active propaganda in Britain to garner support for India.

Select the correct answers using code given below.

  • The Moderate leaders believed that the continuation of India’s political connection with Britain was in the interests of India at that stage of history. They, therefore, planned not to expel the British but to transform the British rule to approximate to national rule. Hence, Statement 1 is correct.
  • Extremists believed in atmashakti or self reliance as a weapon against British domination. Hence, 2nd Statement is incorrect.
  • The Moderate nationalists worked to educate British public opinion. For this purpose, they carried on active propaganda in Britain.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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