GS History Modern India

With reference to the General Elections in 1945, consider the following statements:

1. There was a debate between Swarajists and no-changers on the issue of contesting elections.

2. The issue of INA trials was taken up in the election campaign by the Congress.

3. The Muslim league performed badly as compared to the elections of 1937.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is incorrect. There was no such debate in 1945 election. The debate between Swarajists and no-changers was a characteristic of 1920s and 1930s elections.

Statement 2 is correct. The INA question was the main issue highlighted from the Congress platform in meetings held all over the country - in fact, very often it was difficult to distinguish between an INA and an election meeting.

Statement 3 is incorrect. The Muslim league performed better compared to the elections of 1937. It gained 86.6% of the muslim votes and got majority in Bengal and Sindh. Compared to 1937 elections, the League clearly established itself as the dominant party among Muslims.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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