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Pyramid of numbers in an aquatic ecosystem is .
A special type of well in which water rises automatically under the pressure of a column of water to the ground surface through a hole is known as:
Subtropical high pressure belts are otherwise called:
Mission of Ramsar Convention is to conserve_____.
Hydraulic Action is a type of erosion caused by:
In the context of the characteristic features of the climate of the Tropical Savannah region, consider the following statements:
1. Savanna type of climate is found between equatorial rainforests and hot deserts.
2. Plants found in Savannas have extra-long roots that are capable of reaching the water table deep beneath the soil.
3. Soil in Savannas is usually formed by laterization, a type of chemical weathering.
4. The prevailing winds of the region are the Trade Winds which are strongest during summers.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which of the following Scientist proved that the path of each planet around the Sun is elliptical?
Which one of the following represent the lines joining the places of equal rainfall?
Plantation of trees on a large scale to check soil erosion are called:
Which of the following is parasitic food chain