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The deepest surface depression on the earth is:
Which of the following is considered to be the largest volcano on Earth (in terms of its mass and footprint)?
The salt concentration (measured as salinity in parts per thousand), is less than % in inland waters.
Consider the following statements about ‘Meandering’:
1. Meandering is an important feature of upper course of a river that is characterized by intensive erosion and vertical cliffs with a concave slope.
2. The physiographical features associated with meandering process are oxbow lake, levee deposits and backswamp.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
The term territorial water means:
The soil which originate under tall-grass prairie vegetation is called:
Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to:
Maps showing natural features of the earth are called maps.
Hanging Valley is formed due to the action of:
The atmospheric layer farthest from the Earth’s surface is known as: