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Consider the following statements in context of Wavell Plan:
1. The Wavell Plan gave the League some kind of veto in the council with decisions opposed to Muslims needing a two-thirds majority for approval.
2. Congress objected the plan as an attempt to reduce the Congress to the status of a purely caste based Hindu party.
3. The Shimla Conference brokedown on the point of demand of the league, that league alone would be representative of Indian Muslims.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which of the statement(s) given below is/are correct regarding Raja Rammohan Roy?
1. He protested against the founding of Sanskrit College in Calcutta.
2. He believed in the rationality of Vedanta philosophy.
3. He founded Atmiya Sabha to campaign against idolatry and caste rigidities.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Consider the following statements regarding the decline of the Mughal Empire.
1. Deccan Policy of Aurangzeb.
2. The Mughal Court Politics degenerated the mobility.
3. The defect of the Mansabdari system corrupted the Mughal army.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct
Which of the following statement(s) about the partition of Bengal is/are correct?
1. It came into force in October 1905.
2. Most of the upper and middle class Muslims supported the partition.
Select the correct answer using code given below.
Which is correct about status of women in 19th century?
Who among the following appeared at the historic Red Fort trials for the defence of INA prisoners?
1. Bhaulabhai Desai
2. Asaf Ali
3. Vallabhai Patel
4. K N Katju
Select the correct answer using code given below.
"Located in the eastern part of Indian Peninsula. Covering the coastal belt of modern Orissa. Situated between Mahanadi on North and Godavari on the south".
In the context of above statement the geographical location refers to which of the following place?
Consider the following statements regarding Satyagraha Sabha:
1. It was formed to protest Rowlatt Act.
2. Members of Home Rule Leagues also joined Satyagraha sabha.
3. It led to first mass strike of freedom struggle.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following statements is/are true?
1. Akbar built an efficient flotilla of war boats, which he used in his western campaign
2. The strong navy which developed under Akbar’s reign, degraded due to indifference shown by later Mughal rulers.
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
Which among the following are worshipped by Harappan People?
List-I | List-II |
1. Bird | Pigeon |
2. Tree | Peepal |
3. Symbol | Swastik |
Select the correct answer from the code(s) given below: