GS History Modern India

Which of the following is/are the reasons for the failure of the revolt of 1857?

1. The rebels lacked a political perspective or a vision for future society.

2. The rebels were short of modern weapons.

3. The rebel units did not have common plans of military action or centralised leadership

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Statement 1 is correct. The revolt lacked a forward-looking programme, coherent ideology, a political perspective or a vision of the fututre society and economy. The revolt represented no societal alternative to be implemented after the capture of power.

Statement 2 is correct. The rebels were short of modern weapons and other material of war. Most of the rebels fought with ancient weapons as pike and swords.

Statement 3 is correct. The rebels lacked coordination and a central leadership. They did not have common plans. Sometimes they behaved more like a riotous mob than a disciplined army.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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