GS History Modern India

Consider the following in context of basic tenets of Gandhi’s Technique of satyagraha:

1. Gandhiji Satyagraha was based on truth and nonviolence.

2. A satyagrahi was not to submit what he considered as wrong but always remain truthful , non –violent and fearless.

3. Satyagrahi should be ready to accept suffering in his struggle against the evil-doer and this suffering was to be a part of his love for truth.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

  • “Satyagraha’s goal is winning over people’s hearts, and this can be achieved only with tremendous patience,” Satyagraha is more than a political tool of resistance. The similarities of the Satyagraha to some of the greatest philosophical and religious tenets of the world have been observed and much written about. However, in the specific context of India, Satyagraha was an immense influence. It went a long way in instilling among the Indians a dignity for hard labor and mutual respect. In the traditional Indian society torn apart by caste and creed based discriminations, Satyagraha stated that no work was lowly. It championed secularism and went a long way in eradicating untouchability from the heart of India's typically stratified society. Satyagraha glorified the role of women as an important member of the society. All in all, Satyagraha instilled in the Indian mind a dignity and a self respect that is yet unprecedented in its modern history. Gandhi’s system of Satyagraha was based on nonviolence, non-cooperation, truth and honesty. Gandhi used non violence in India’s freedom struggle as main weapon and India became independent from British rule.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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