GS History Modern India

With reference to the plan proposed by C Rajagopalachari, consider the following statements:

1. The plan intended to resolve the deadlock between the Congress and the British government

2. The plan was endorsed by Mahatama Gandhi.

3. It provided a plan for partition.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  • Rajagopalachari formula was an effort towards the Congress-League co-operation in constitutional reforms. In 1944 when it became clear that Allied would win, Indian nationalists decided to put pressure on the British. But at that time there was a deadlock between Congress and the Muslim League. The CR plan tried to resolve this deadlock. (Statement 1 is incorrect)
  • The plan was also endorsed by Gandhi. (Statement 2 is correct)
  • After the end of the war, the entire population of Muslim majority areas in the North-West and North-East India were to decide by a plebiscite, whether or not to form a separate sovereign state. In case of acceptance of partition, agreement was to be made jointly for safeguarding defence, commerce, communications, etc. (Statement 3 is correct). Jinnah wanted only the Muslims of North-West and North- East to vote in the plebiscite and not the entire population. He also opposed the idea of a common centre.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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