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The fur of the animals living in colder regions:
Smog is a combination of:
Which one of the following has the highest wind velocity?
Name the condition which influences the development of plants into distinctive forms.
What is a strait?
Consider the following statements with reference to ‘Blue Stragglers’:
1. It is a class of stars on globular clusters that is smaller than the rest of the stars.
2. They are formed through the mass transfer from a close binary companion star and through collision of two stars.
3. The Milky Way's largest and brightest globular is Omega Centauri.
Which of the statements given above is/are NOT correct?
Brightest planet in our solar system is:
Which of the following is an alternative theory to the Big Bang theory developed in 1948, stating that the universe does not change even though it is expanding over time?
Trade winds are due to:
Magnetic Meridian is a: