Consider the following statements and identify the Ancient Indian dynasty:
1. They had a flourishing Roman Trade.
2. The important port towns were Brigukachchaha, Kalyana and Sind.
3. Ujjain, Nasik, Paithan, Pataliputra, Benares were other major trade centers.
4. Trade was badly affected by the Huna Invasions.
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1. Gold deposits in Kolar, Raichur
2. Copper deposits in Khetri, Keonjhar, Singbhum
3. Iron deposits in Kurnul, Palamau, Rajmahal
4. Tin deposits in Gaya, Hazaribagh, Ranchi
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1. The movement was strongly secular.
2. The Ghadar Movement failed to generate an effective and sustained leadership that was capable of integrating the various aspects of the movement.
3. Objective of Ghadarites was the establishment of an Independent Republic of India.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
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