GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements :

1. Harisena’s Brihatkathakosh was a medieval work on travel-writing.

2. The chief Indian port in the Eastern coast of India was Tamralipti.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

  • Tamralipta or Tamralipti was the name of a city in ancient India, located on the Bay of Bengal. The Tamluk town in present-day West Bengal is identified as the site of Tamralipti. It is believed that Tamralipti was the exit point of the Mauryan trade route for the south and south-east. Excavations at Moghalmari confirmed the presence of Buddhist vihars in the area which was mentioned by Chinese travelers Fa Hien and Xuanzang. It was located near Rupnarayana river.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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