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With reference to the British Education Policy in India, consider the following statements.
1. Lord’s Macaulay’s Minute supported a village education through vernacular languages
2. Woods Despatch was in favour of the Downward Filtration Theory.
3. Sergeant Plan was its objective to create the same level of education as prevailed in England
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following offers were made in 'August Offer'?
1. An immediate expansion of Imperial Legislative council by enlarging Indian representation.
2. The establishment of war advisory council consisting of representatives of British India and Indian states.
3. The promotion of practical steps to arrive on an agreement on the form of post war representative body.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
With reference to the Doctrine of Lapse, consider the following statements:
1. It was introduced by Lord Hastings.
2. It allowed British to annex the state if the ruler of a protected state died without a natural heir.
3. Avadh was the first state to be annexed under the doctrine.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Who among the following completed the Telugu version of Mahabharata in the 13th century?
Which of the following statements with respect to Tripuri session of congress 1939 is correct?
The Battle Of Ten Kings (dasa-rajanyayuddha) was fought on the bank of which one of the following rivers ?
During the British period, the term 'imperial preference' was applied to which of the following?
In the South Indian medieval history, there is a lot more known and recorded about Cholas than their predecessor.
Which of the following reasons is most appropriately attributed to it?
Consider the following:
1. Muslim league
2. Communist Party of India
3. Hindu Mahasabha
Which of the organizations given above supported the Quit India Movement?
The Swadeshi movement failed to attract Muslim peasantry on a wider scale because of?
1. Divide and rule policy of British which divided Bengal on communal lines.
2. The use of traditional popular customs, festivals and institutions for mobilizing the masses.
3. Promise of abolition of zamindari system by British in East Bengal.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.