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Which of the following nationalist leaders were associated with the Indian Association?
1. Surendranath Banerjee
2. Anand Mohan Bose
3. Dwarkanath Ganguli
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Consider the following statements:
1. Early English scholars defined Indian traditions in their own terms.
2. The earlier English policy In India was that of least interventionism.
3. Fort Williams College was established with a political vision of reverse acculturation.
Which of the statements given above arere correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. After abolition of the Dual system, the East India Company had to act as Diwan.
2. Establishment of civil courts reduced the corruption in judiciary.
3. Abolition of Dastaks in trade and commerce completely eliminated private trade by the company’s servants.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
The Swadeshi movement failed to attract Muslim peasantry on a wider scale because of?
1. Divide and rule policy of British which divided Bengal on communal lines.
2. The use of traditional popular customs, festivals and institutions for mobilizing the masses.
3. Promise of abolition of zamindari system by British in East Bengal.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
With reference to the Shivaji’s Administration, consider the following statements.
1. Chauth was an annual tax nominally levied on land revenue.
2. Sardeshmukhi was an additional levy on those lands over which Maratha claimed hereditary rights.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
The moderates submitted their grievances/demands in the form of petitions before the British Government. Which of the following was not one of these early demands?
With reference to Tatvabodhini Sabha, consider the following statements:
1. It was founded by Debendranath Tagore.
2. It promoted rational thinking and outlook amongst the intellectuals.
3. It promoted a systematic study of India's past.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
With reference to the Public Safety Bill which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
1. Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt throw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly against the passage of the Public Safety Bill.
2. Public Safety Bill was intended to contain the Communists but nationalists were concerned that such a provision would reduce the civil liberties of citizens in general and workers in particular.
3. Swarajists played a significant role in defeating the Public Safety Bill in the legislature.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the chronological order for the construction of the following is correct?
1. Jagannath temple of Puri
2. Meenakshi temple
3. Mahabalipuram temples
4. Qutab Minar
Choose the correct code :
Consider the following statements :
1. Dhruva I invaded South India.
2. Allaudin Khilji invaded North India.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?