GS History Modern India

With reference to the freedom struggle in princely states, which of the following statements are correct?

1. The Nagpur session of the Congress in 1920 requested all the princes to form responsible government.

2. In Lahore session 1929, the Congress demanded that the Princes guarantee fundamental rights to their people.

3. Haripura session of the Congress in 1938 authorized the congressmen to take part in their individual capacity in the freedom struggle going on in the princely states.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • After 1929, the Congress left the political activities in the princely states to the praja mandals.
  • The policy of the Indian National Congress towards the Indian states had been first enunciated in 1920 at Nagpur when a resolution calling upon the Princes to grant full responsible government in their States had been passed. Simultaneously, however, the Congress, while allowing residents of the States to become members of the Congress, made it clear that they could not initiate political activity in the States in the name of Congress but only in their individual capacity or as members of the local political organizations.
  • In 1927, the Congress reiterated as resolution of 1920, and in 1929 Jawaharlal Nehru, in his presidential address to the famous Lahore Congress, declared that ‘the Indian states cannot live apart from the rest of India. the only people who have a right to determine the future of the states must be the people of those states’). In later years, the Congress demanded that the Princes guarantee fundamental rights to their people.
  • In the Haripura session in 1938, the Congress had reiterated its policy that movements in the States should not be launched in the name of the Congress but should rely on their own independent strength and fight through local organizations

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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