Given below are two statements, one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R).
Assertion(A): Tippu Sultan planted a Tree of Liberty at Manglore.
Reason(R): He became a member of Jacobian club after French Revolution.
In the context of the above two statements,which one of the following is correct?
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Gandhiji formed the Passive Resistance Association in South Africa to campaign against?
Which of the following statements are correct about British policies in 19th Century.
1. The Summary Settlement Act 1956 divested power to summarily decide the collection of revenue to the middlemen.
2. Lord Dalhousie introduced General Service Enlistment Act under which the sepoys could be compelled to serve abroad.
3. The Religious Disabilities Act 1856 had done away with the previous ban on Christian converts to from Hinduism in inheriting property.
4. The Charter Act of 1813 allowed missionaries to enter India and carry on with their mission.
Select the correct answer using the code given below
Consider the following statements.
1. Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman in about 150 A.D. was one of the earliest specimens of chaste Sanskrit.
2. “Mahavastu” was a religious treatise on Hinayana Buddhism
3. Roman emperor Trajan received an embassy from India in 28 A.D.
4. Glass-making industry had received a great boost in India during the Post-Mauryan period.
Which of the given above statement(s) are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the nationalist movement in India during 1858 to 1905.
1. The early nationalist movement was mainly to safeguard the interest of the social groups which joined it.
2. They were not able to expose the exploitative character of colonial rule.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following pair is not correct?
1. Shore temple : Pallavas
2. Kailasa temple: Rashtrakutas
3. Khajuraho temples : Chandellas
Which among the following statements is not correct regarding Swadesh Bandhab Samiti?
Consider the following statements regarding the Nehru Report of 1928.
1. Nehru Report recommended India’s independence with the dominion status.
2. The central government to be headed by a governor-general, appointed by the British Government
3. It accepted the principle of separate electorate.
4. M. A. Jinnah voted in favour of the report.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Consider the following pairs:
List-I (Author) | List-II (Work) |
1. Sachindranath Sanyal | Bandi Jiwan |
2. Prafulla Chaki | Philosophy of Bomb |
2. Bhagwati charan vohra | On the Path of Liberation |
Which of the pair(s) given above is/are correct?
Who among the following medieval rulers was called as a “Zinda Pir” - “a living saint”?
With reference to Sangam and Vedic texts, consider the following statements :
1. Both Vedic and Sangam texts are religious in nature.
2. Unlike Vedic texts, Sangam texts do not provide any information on the political and economic life of people
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are? Correct?