GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements.

1. Bindusara patronized Ajivika sect.

2. The original draft of “Indica” written by Megasthenes is one of the major sources of information about Mauryan Empire.

3. The Jaina work that talks about the conversion of Chandragupta Maurya to Jainism is “Parisistaparvan”

4. The “Akshapataladhyaksha” of the Mauryan state was the Superintendent of Mines.

Which of the given above statement(s) is/are correct?

  • The original draft of Indica had been lost. Only references of the original in the form of quotations are available in other works. “Akaradhyaksha” was the Superintendent of Mines in the Mauryan state.

Thus, Option D is Correct

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